BariAftercare: The Podcast
BariAftercare: The Podcast
Episode 210: The Connection Between your Relationship with Yourself and Food
I get all passionate in this episode and do quite a bit of self-disclosing. Why? Because I believe with everything that I am that improving your relationship with yourself is the ONLY way you will be able to follow through the behavioral changes that are necessary for keeping weight off long-term or for remaining free from any long-term unhealthy behavior a person has engaged in to the point it has caused problems in their life. Our actions, our words, our treatment toward ourselves and others are outward signs that clearly demonstrate to others – and ourselves, if we’re honest enough to go there, how we really feel about ourselves. That may be a painful thing to hear, but more often than not, that is a reality. The great news is that every single person listening to this podcast has the ability to improve their relationship with themselves. In turn, every other relationship you have in life, to include your relationship with food will improve. Not kidding. Listen in to learn how to start – or continue – your adventure of improving your relationship with yourself!
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