BariAftercare: The Podcast
BariAftercare: The Podcast
Episode 196: A Big Word That’ll Bring You Big Results — INDIVIDUATION
Individu – WHAT? Yeah… it’s a big, fancy psychological word… individuation. But it’s a word worth knowing and a process well worth going through! Why, you ask? Because individuated people know a lot of things: they know who they are, what their purpose is, what they want, how they feel, what they think, and what they are willing to do and what they are not willing to do… WITHOUT WORRYING what others will think of them. And THAT means, if you are willing to work toward being an individuated person, you’ll do things like set healthy boundaries with yourself and other around food, you will follow commitments you make to yourself to exercise, you will decide what people are healthy for you to be with, and you will avoid emotional eating and addictive behavior. AND there’s MORE! Listen in and learn what it means to individuate, how to do so, and how this will help you in your bariatric journey!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Living the Truth: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Insight and Honesty
The Individuation Process: A Beginner’s Guide to Jungian Psychology by Scott Jeffrey
How to Be Your True Self
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