BariAftercare: The Podcast

Episode 157: Accountability – A Deep Dive!

January 03, 2024 Connie Stapleton, Ph.D. Episode 157

Accountability is the BariAftercare word of the year! We chose it because the research is extensive and makes it clear that using accountability measures improves the likelihood of experiencing success, in particular when it comes to keeping weight off! AND… using accountability measures like tracking devices for food intake, water consumption, and movement tends to wane over time. It doesn’t have to! Listen in and learn reasons people quit following through with these beneficial strategies and how about you recommit to being more accountable in your weight journey. The BariAftercare community can definitely help! Let’s get started!



Connie Stapleton PhD website:

BariAftercare website:

BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only):

Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)

Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)

Instgram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)

Instagram: @chefhealthyhenry (Henry Baker)

Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)

Instagram: @myweightishistory (Rob Dimedio)

Busy Bariatrics:

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