BariAftercare: The Podcast

Episode 112: The 4 ACES: Accountability

March 08, 2023 Connie Stapleton, Ph.D. Episode 112

Many years ago, I was a patient in an outpatient program that met four nights a week. One day, the counselor approached me and told me I could no longer wear any makeup – to include mascara – to the sessions each night. From that night on, I was held accountable for following through with the no make-up/no mascara agreement as the counselor literally scrutinized my face every evening! Accountability. Being responsible, being obliged to do something we have agreed to do, being … well… an adult, could we say? Accountability can significantly increase the odds of your maintaining a healthy weight and living a healthy lifestyle. Listen in and learn the reasons why… while also getting great ideas for establishing  accountability measures to use in your life! And… you’ll also find out the reason behind the no make-up (including no mascara) instructions! Let’s get started.


Connie Stapleton PhD website:

BariAftercare website:

BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only):

Instagram: @therealbariboss

Instgram: @lauraleepreston

Instagram: @chefhealthyhenry

Instagram: @myweightishistory

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