BariAftercare: The Podcast

Episode 87: Assertiveness and Your Weight

Connie Stapleton, Ph.D. Episode 87

If, as we have talked about during the past few podcast episodes, you want to set healthy boundaries and stop neglecting yourself due to unhealthy people-pleasing behaviors, you need to commit to learning and using assertiveness skills! Not to worry, being assertive is not the same thing as being aggressive, rude or nasty. Being assertive is stating what you want and need in a healthy and direct way. Being your best self means learning to adult in a health way. Healthy adulting includes learning to overcome your fears of taking healthy risks. Being willing to learn about and practice assertive communication will increase your self-esteem and that, in turn, will result in your treating yourself in healthier ways. Healthy treatment of self translates to maintaining a healthy weight and enjoying a healthier quality of life. If you are unwilling to learn assertive communication skills, you are jeopardizing your relationships with others and with yourself. AND, if choose not to learn assertive communication skills, you are jeopardizing a healthy lifestyle designed to get you to, and keep you, at a healthy weight. You don’t wanna do that so listen in! Now let’s get started!

 Be sure to recommend BariAftercare to your friends and go to and sign up so you can hear the second part of BariAftercare’s People Pleasing and its Effects on Your Weight! Now, let’s get started!


Assertive Communication
Being assertive: Reduce stress, communicate better

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